Mapping California’s Home Visiting Landscape

Data VisualizationHealthFeb 3, 2021

The California Home Visiting Mapping Tool (“Mapping tool”) helps policymakers, community advocates and leaders, service providers, and others understand who could benefit from home visiting in California by providing county-level information about family characteristics associated with benefiting from home visiting, as well as available home visiting services.

The mapping tool can inform home visiting policy and program decisions; support alignment of available resources, including those beyond home visiting services; generate county-level reports; and track outcomes for families over time. It can also answer a variety of policy and programmatic questions, such as:

  • How many families with children under age 3 in my county are experiencing a particular circumstance, such as poverty or homelessness?
  • How many home visiting slots are funded in my county to serve families with these characteristics? What kind of home visiting programs are represented by these funded slots?


To use the visualization, select the focus age group below and hover over tiles on the map to check the number of families with children in the selected age group.
Select family characteristics from the list to further limit the population of interest. You can select families who have any (at least one) or all of the selected characteristics. Hover over tiles to check the percentage of families meeting selected criteria.
Click on a county for a table with information on the supply of home visiting services available for families with the selected characteristics.
Double click tiles to select more than one county.
Click here to close
Click to see data of selected region
Clear selection
Number of families
> 30,000
10,000 – 29,999
5,000 – 9,999
0 – 5,000
Click here for help
Focus Age Group
Program Eligibility
Families with
all of the
selected criteria:
at least one
To use the visualization, select the focus age group and family characteristics from lists below to limit the population of interest. You can select families who have any (at least one) or all of the selected characteristics. Click on a county for a table with information on the supply of home visiting services available for families with the selected characteristics.

Click here to close snapshot

This mapping tool includes demographic and family data from a variety of sources, including the United States Census Bureau and several California state agencies: the California Department of Social Services (CDSS), California Department of Public Health (CDPH), and California Department of Health Care Services (CDHCS). Home visiting supply data were obtained from a statewide home visiting survey administered by Child Trends and Harder+Company Community Research. More information about this study can be found here.

Please reach out to the F5CA Home Visiting study team at with any comments or questions regarding the usage of this mapping tool.

The California Home Visiting Mapping Tool was funded by First 5 California and developed in collaboration with Harder+Company Community Research and Advent Consulting. The project team would like to acknowledge the individuals who made this work possible, including the home visiting program managers and staff who participated in the survey. Deborah Stark and the members of the study’s Core Advisory Group provided input to ensure that the mapping tool would be relevant for California.

In addition, we would like to extend special thanks to our Child Trends colleagues who provided insights and expertise during the development of this mapping tool, and who contributed to the development of the survey and analysis. These colleagues include Lauren Supplee, Rachel Chazan Cohen, Sarah Crowne, Audrey Franchett, Erin Bultinck, Maggie Haas, Jessica Warren, Renee Ryberg, Carlise King, and Yiyu Chen. Also, we would like to thank our Child Trends Communication team, who offered expertise in user experience design, including Stephen Russ, Jody Franklin, and Catherine Nichols. We would also like to thank the staff at Harder+Company, who managed the survey data collection: Courtney Huff, Haley Mousseau, Allison Smith, and Nia Gordon; as well as Jerry Bowers from Advent Consulting.
