See Child Trends’ latest work from the EOYF project:
Elevating Latino Parenting Students in Higher Education
Supporting Young Parenting Students With Navigation Services
Expanding Opportunities for Young Families (EOYF) is a multi-year, two-generation initiative funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation to support young parents and their children. Currently, the initiative is led by three sites (Austin, Miami, and Santa Fe) that collaborate with local partners to pilot the effort. Each site is located on-site at—or works in partnership with—a local community college, where young parents are provided with resources, advising, and wrap-around services (including financial, academic, and workforce supports and health care and housing services) to bolster their postsecondary education success.
EOYF has five primary objectives:
Child Trends supports and guides the EOYF sites and overall initiative by: (1) assessing, providing, and brokering technical assistance (TA); (2) identifying opportunities for cross-site convenings and information sharing forums; and (3) supporting the dissemination of promising practices and approaches.
The Annie E. Casey Foundation EOYF Initiative
Principal Investigator: Zakia Redd
Project Director: Renee Ryberg
Project Manager: Melissa Perez
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